Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kyocera K126c for TracFone

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TracFone is poised to release another 'no-thrills' mobile phone into the market. The Kyocera K126c is now ready for distribution but dates as to its launch is still to be announced. TracFone, the mobile phone's carrier, says their target market for this phone is the low-end individuals who are in need of a mobile phone with reliable basic features.
Okay, so we get the catch. But the question is: Will the Kyocera K126c be able to deliver the promise it made? We have seen a lot of mobile phones without strong advanced features that either made waves or rode the pine. TracFone made a risky move with this future deal; especially they don't have much good mobile phones on their line up.
Just in case the Kyocera K126c makes it alive after its launch, TracFone should be prepared for demands for
mobile phone accessories like cell phone covers and cell phone batteries.
I wish them luck on this one.

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