Thursday, June 14, 2007

Official Apple iPhone release time.

In recent press, it has been stated that the At&t iPhone will be available for sale on June 29,2007 at exactly 6 P.M. your local time. This new way of dropping a phone at a specific time according to region is showing us just how dominate Apple is with their marketing. Not only are they having all of us on the edge of our seats for this phone but Apple is controlling the exact time the phone will drop, which is insane. The iPhone is basically on everyone's wish list with it's unique and innnovative design but many of us are waiting to see if the iPhone will actually live up to expectations or not. I guess only time will tell but do check back at for all accessories for the At&t Apple iPhone.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

iPhone release date announced.

The moment we've all been waiting for is finally almost here. At&t, along with Apple, have announced that the official release date for the Apple iPhone will be June 29th. That's huge news for the few of us who have been anxiously waiting for the arrival of the iPhone. The phone itself will only be sold on a first come first serve basis which will only add to the pandemonium that is known as iPhone. The iPhone will be available for users in a 4gb and 8gb size and will be a full touch screen phone utilizing the Apple os X operating system. What draws many of us to the iPhone is the fact that it is a combination of an iPod, a cell phone, and an Internet device which many of us have been craving for the past few years. It's only a matter of time before the phone is released and accessories should be available at in no time so check back soon.
